Current status of the project
I have a number of potential collaborations in the pipeline which will become more confirmed next week. The Olive Branch in Penryn which is a community organisation helping people with mental health problems and giving mums a chance to meet. The Dracaena Centre in Falmouth which is a centre for the area of Old Hill, the Beacon and Ashfield estates which are some of the most deprived areas of the UK. They have a youth group and an over 50s group. A woman who lives in a rural area is also interested and this would give me potentially the 6 collaborations I’m looking for. I have also contacted a local elderly centre and am awaiting a reply.
This has given me the impetus to realise I need to design the “course” I will be running and think about how I am going to introduce the various technologies to the participants and which processes will provide the maximum quality output in research terms. In that regard I would like to work with 3 groups and 3 individuals.
Ideas for programmes:
- 4 x 15 minutes each for a group of for
- Ask members of the community for a track and to record a small interview about why they chose the track.
Technology: laptop, PC (donated), phones
At least 1 live broadcast via the streaming software, other programmes pre-recorded and edited in open source software. Jingle creation.
Create a questionnaire to ascertain previous knowledge.
P2PStudio Software:
The peer to peer audio software is now functional (barely) and ready for beta testing…