
Listen Again Service

While at the Source FM I developed a piece of software to provide a “Listen Again” service for the station. It only requires a server with a static IP address and an audio feed of the broadcast output to run. It could easily be adapted to provide a generic template listen again solution for community radio stations around the world. To see the site in action visit:

The site is built on an adapted front-end from podcastgenerator and the back end is based on a SQLite database of the shows. A python script sets up cron jobs to record the shows throughout the day and to back these recordings up at night and create xml files for the website.

Stream To Studio

I am in the process of developing an open source solution for community radio stations to allow for streaming audio via simple, low cost or ubiquitous technology. Initially I am using Linux distro elementary OS and the programming language Vala to develop the software, as this will compile down to C which will work in Ubuntu. I intend in future to make it cross-platform and many devices (smart phones).
Github for this project if you wish to participate.