Music of the Spheres
A generative sound art piece inspired by Holst’s Planets, Op. 32 and the idea of the Musica Universalis. Read more about the piece here.
One of my university projects was to build a piece of software that turned spam emails into sound art. Emails were read and various algorithms were triggered, based on the ASCII values of the characters in the email. These algorithms included Markov Chains, sample manipulation and stochastic processes. I built the piece in the software Max/MSP. Some of the sounds created by the piece can be heard here:
I helped organise the successful Parklive festival in Falmouth and was the sound engineer for 6 of the shows in 2013-2014.
Sea Shanty Festival
I have engineered the world famous Falmouth International Sea Shanty Festival and also provided outside broadcasts from that event.
Live Sessions
I have engineered over 100 live sessions at the Source FM, with many different bands and performers. Below is a recording of Penzance based Flats and Sharps bluegrass band when they visited the studio:
I have recorded many bands over the years, including running my own mobile recording studio with styles from chamber orchestra to punk. I became something of a vintage microphone collector.
Carer’s Colour Group Film
I provided the soundtrack for a short animated film which was shown at the Cornwall Film Festival.
Falmouth University Jingles
I was asked by Falmouth University to create jingles for their radio promotional campaign. These adverts were featured on Pirate FM and Atlantic FM.
Penryn Community Theatre
The Penryn Community Theatre annual pantomime is something of a local legend and I was very happy to be able to help that event by recording a song for inclusion in the 2014 pantomime.
Echelon Down
I composed the sound track for the short film “Echelon Down“.